These are exactly the same files distributed by the author of the resource. We do not offer any additional author services such as technical support from the author and license keys. pluginpress is not affiliated or related in any way to third-party developers or owners of trademarks mentioned here.

For now we do not have any more updates from Yith until further notice, since the author removed the membership where he included all his resources. We are working to find a solution so that you have these plugins updated.Por ahora no tenemos más actualizaciones de Yith hasta nuevo aviso, ya que el autor eliminó la membresía donde incluía todos sus recursos. Estamos trabajando para encontrar una solución para que tengas estos complementos actualizados. 

Let your customers buy right now: you can’t be sure they still will in the future!

The best time to sell your items is now! Many customers don’t buy the item they desire because they are not home, they are often at work and don’t won’t want to receive it in that specific moment, so they delay the purchase and end up not buying anymore.

This means much fewer sales for you! Thanks to YITH WooCommerce Delivery Date you will be able to get back to this big share of customers, allowing them to choose when they will receive the object they purchased, which day, which time and using which courier, while the vendor is free to create a calendar displaying the days available and create a minimum time frame they can use to handle shipping.

This plugin is ideal to get back your lost customers and create dedicated services such as home delivery for gifts and products.

One of the most common problems with shipping items purchased online is not being able to manage when the item is going to be shipped. The only way to avoid this is to delay the purchase and wait, often forgetting about it or losing interest in the product entirely.

YITH WooCommerce Delivery Date was designed specifically to get these customers back, providing your store with a number of extra features that will allow you to handle shipping effectively!

Your customers will now be able to choose when they will receive the products they purchased, edit the shipping date later on and decide which courier they wish to use, other than having a clear overview of the estimated amount of days left before an item is received. Admins will have access to a whole range of valuable functions designed specifically for your shipping and delivery service, such as the possibility to set a minimum amount of time in order to cover any required preparation time, edit the shipping date chosen by the customer (who will receive a notification email informing them of the change).

YITH WooCommerce Delivery Date is a plugin that will change the way you handle your vendor-customer relationship and will help you create an efficient shipping and delivery system that will boost your sales!


Integrate the delivery system through carriers

By specifying their different days and times available

Provide the first available delivery date in an automatic way

Or let the user choose from the dates applied by the system basing on your workdays

Show the days available for the delivery

Specify the days and the times of your deliveries: the system will automatically show to users the dates they can select

Increase the shipping fee

For specific days of the week and possible time slots

Set a limit to the number of deliveries to be processed by time slot

To avoid the delivery of too many orders at the same time

Split the deliveries into time slots

Organize ad-hoc time slots for each workday and let your users choose them

Calculate the days required for the delivery

By setting an ad hoc number of days for products and categories

Enable dynamic messages with the delivery date

To show when the product will be picked up by the carrier and delivered to the user

Make the time slot fees taxable

By enabling this option, all the fees you add will be taxable

Go on holiday without any concern

By inserting a range of days on which deliveries won’t be available

Keep users up-to-date

By sending an email when the order has been shipped

Shipped to carrier email

Track your shipping

Through a dedicated calendar where all the activities related to the shipping and delivery are registered

YITH WooCommerce Delivery Date Premium

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Importante para activar: 

  • Instala Elementor desde el repositorio de wordpress en la sección de plugins.
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  • Envíanos el correo con los accesos y el número de pedido y la activaremos por ti.

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