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Camaro is a feature-rich premium Gadgets, Digital & Fashion Super Market Shopify Theme with modern design and bundled with powerful plugins for creating an online store and start selling.It is built and comes bundled with most of the advanced features available in most popular eCommerce websites like amazon, flipkart, snapdeal, walmart, alibaba, aliexpress, etc. It has such a neat and clean layout to emphasize massive product details without making it messy and annoying to all visitors. Besides, modern design plus eye-catchy visual effects impress visitors at the first sight. So if you are an amazon affiliate or want a multi-vendor marketplace for your niche market or a store owner, this theme is for you.Key Features
  • Pre-made Demos
Included in the theme are some pre-made demos for any kind of website, get them with 1 Click Demo Importer, this list is updated frequently.and more to come in the upcoming updates!
  • Amazing Theme Options
Through our new Theme Options, enjoy the unlimited possibilities that you’ll always desired, you’re free to express your own creativity.
  • Mobile Optimized Design
No reason to worry about the growing mobile device market. Your site will look razor sharp on any device.
  • Top 10 Product Layouts
Conversion rate for your website will depend on product page view. We offer only trusted variants checked by our experience. Choice is on your side.
  • A Flexible Shop Layout
Shop page is one of the most important elements in your web store. We understand that should give you maximum flexibility in desired layout.
  • Visual Header Builder
Header Builder give you the power to create your desired header with drag & drop features.
  • Visual Footer Builder
No longer worry about footer design restrictions. In this theme, you have all the options to design a page so you can create and design your preferred footer in visual mode.
  • Product Variation Swatches
Convert your normal variable attribute dropdown select to nicely looking color or images swatches.
  • Ajax Canvas Cart
Shopping made easy with the integrated canvas cart, manage nd tweak with the cart products only with a click.
  • Built-in Live Search
Search products instantly with our optimized AJAX search function.
  • Tailored Quick View
Shoppers love to get a good visual sense of the product before purchasing. Provide a beautiful user experience while driving all eyeballs to the products you’re offering.
  • Fully Ajax Product Filter
The implemented AJAX technology allows filtering and sorting products without page reloading.
  • Advanced Mega Menus
There is no limitation. Complicated layouts, menu, background and anything that you need are ready for you to design your desired mega menus.
  • Calculate Free Shipping Thresholds
In our ecommerce experience, customers who are near the “free shipping” threshold will try to add more products to the cart to qualify for free shipping. 93% of people stated that a business offering some form of “free shipping” offer would encourage them to purchase more products from that retailer. It’s pure psychology.
  • Unparalleled Performance
We all know that a slow site is a bad one no mater hover pretty it looks. Thay’s why we paid extra attention to do everything is necessary that your site runs faster and smoother than ever. The theme live demo scores 95% on the page speed grade.
  • Stunning Hover Product Effects
The theme has variety of professional hover animation effects. Your imagination is your only limit. Go ahead and give theme a try!
  • Showing Dynamic Checkout Buttons on Your Online store
Dynamic checkout buttons are an alternative to the add to cart button for single products. Withy dynamic checkout buttons, customers can skip the cart and go directly to the checkout.
  • Advanced Pagination Options
This theme comes with 3 pagination types to choose from: Infinite Scroll, Load More Button, Standard Pagination.
  • 360 Degree View
Now you are able to showcase your product in 360 degree view to impress your customers and be sure that people see your creation from every side in 3D view.
  • Fake Sales Notification
If you are running brand new store with no orders. No problem, You are able to create and display sales notifications by making some tricks and creating fake/dummy orders with dummy names.
  • Age Verification
Verify the age of visitors who browse your website, if you sell products like wine, cigarettes, or dangerous goods on your Shopify store.
  • Blogging in Style
Give your blog and extra oompht! The theme comes with 2 beautiful blog layout to help you make your content stand out and grab the internet.
  • Great Documentation
Whether you’re a new or legacy user, our easy to navigate documentation will make your experience enjoyable.
  • Reliable Support
We care about our clients very much. Theme includes 100% free premium support. If you have a questions, contact us and we will answer your question shortly and resolve your issue. We are happy to hear from you.DisclaimerThe photos used in our live preview are not a part of the demo content. All photos can be downloaded from OR purchased from
Camaro - Tema de gadgets y Shopify digital

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Forma de activación de licencias de Elementor Pro


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Importante para activar: 

  • Instala Elementor desde el repositorio de wordpress en la sección de plugins.
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  • Envíanos el correo con los accesos y el número de pedido y la activaremos por ti.

El tiempo de duración de la licencia corresponde al tiempo de duración de la membresía, si esta no se renueva las licencias se desactivan y no se podrán usar sus funcionalidades pro.

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